Transdermal Drug Delivery Expert Speaks At PSC Graduate Student Seminar

June 3, 2013

Presentation highlights approaches in assessing the bioavailability of topical drugs and examines what research is needed to enhance transdermal drug transport.

First PSC Intern Completes Department’s Graduate Program

May 20, 2013

Student credits department’s summer internship program with opening her eyes to the field of pharmaceutical sciences.

School of Pharmacy Celebrates the Class of 2013 at Convocation

May 17, 2013

Nearly 170 PharmD and PhD students receive degrees and embark on the next phase of their lives.

PHSR Graduate Program “One of the Best” Following Program Review

May 9, 2013

Reviewers commend program’s faculty, staff, and students for their efforts to advance the field of pharmaceutical health services research.

Students and Trainees Showcase Their Work at SOP’s Annual Research Day

April 26, 2013

Forum offers opportunity to share current research and network with potential collaborators.

Bristol-Myers Squibb Speaks to Graduate Students at the School of Pharmacy

April 4, 2013

Presentation showcases company’s cutting-edge research and current career opportunities available for students.

SOP Helps Undergraduate Students “Spring Into Maryland Science”

March 26, 2013

Day-long workshop introduces science majors to the School’s Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program.

Dean Eddington Presents 2012 State of the School Address

December 18, 2012

Annual address highlights education, practice, research, and outreach accomplishments.

Awards Ceremony Honors Two SOP Health Services Research Graduate Students

December 6, 2012

Sarah Dutcher and Michelle Campbell receive scholarship awards acknowledging their contributions to the field of pharmaceutical health services research.

PhD Student Wins ACS Medicinal Chemistry Pre-doctoral Fellowship

July 31, 2012

Graduate student in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences is the first University System of Maryland student to earn prestigious fellowship