Statement from Dean Natalie D. Eddington, PhD, FCP, FAAPS

March 19, 2021

School of Pharmacy dean issues statement about the recent horrific murders of Asian women in Atlanta and increasing violent attacks against Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities across the United States.

SOP Faculty Join Maryland’s COVID-19 Vaccine Technical Advisory Group

March 1, 2021

Group established by the Maryland Department of Health reviews COVID-19 vaccine trial data to determine how it should be applied to the state’s vaccine distribution plan.

Maryland Poison Center Celebrates National Poison Prevention Week 2021

February 28, 2021

Observed March 21-27, National Poison Prevention Week helps raise awareness about the dangers of poisonings and promotes steps that everyone can take to prevent them.

School of Pharmacy’s Medeiros Named UMB Employee of the Month

February 9, 2021

Director of research for PATIENTS Program honored for work in patient-centered outcomes research and role as principal investigator for project with Southwest Partnership.

Wutoh: MLK’s Words Still Ring True Amid Dual Pandemics

February 8, 2021

“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and most inhumane.”

Balassone Lecture Looks at Clinical Pharmacists’ Pandemic Experiences

February 4, 2021

Faculty members in the School of Pharmacy’s Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science share their professional experiences and lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.

On the Front Lines: UMB Champions of Excellence: Pamela Crowe, MS

January 21, 2021

Director of facilities and laboratory services has kept the School of Pharmacy’s building operations running smoothly while aiding UMB’s response and recovery efforts during the pandemic.

Ninth Annual M-CERSI Regulatory Science Competition Goes Virtual

January 19, 2021

Second-year student pharmacists awarded first place in contest that aims to promote student interest in the field of regulatory science.

UMB Students Roll Up Sleeves, Administer Vaccines

January 19, 2021

Pharmacy, nursing students volunteer at COVID-19 vaccination clinic.

SOP Alum to Address Double Pandemics in MLK Celebration Speech

January 13, 2021

Anthony Wutoh, provost and chief academic officer at Howard University, says we must work together for our collective future and the good of society.

Study Examines Projected Health and Economic Burden of COPD in the U.S.

December 18, 2020

Research led by Dr. Zafar Zafari will help inform future studies and guide policy decisions to reduce health care and economic costs associated with COPD in the U.S.

The PATIENTS Program Kicks-Off New Fundraising Campaign with Virtual Event

November 25, 2020

Key stakeholders from The PATIENTS Program come together to celebrate past achievements and look towards future successes.