Zuckerman, Colleagues Visit Cuban Health Care Facilities
June 14, 2012
Team notes how Cubans care for the frail, the elderly, and how societal and political circumstances affects people.
June 14, 2012
Team notes how Cubans care for the frail, the elderly, and how societal and political circumstances affects people.
June 13, 2012
AACP and NCPA program recognizes innovations in teaching medication adherence
May 31, 2012
List of medications tells clinicians and health care professionls which medications to avoid prescribing or to use with caution in older people
May 30, 2012
Collaboration Focuses on Training the Next Generation of Pharmacometric Leaders
May 28, 2012
School of Pharmacy graduate students participate in science and engineering festival designed to encourage science careers for K-12 students
May 21, 2012
Nearly 160 PharmD and PhD students receive degrees and start the next phase of their lives
May 21, 2012
Honored and honorary alumnus awards bestowed at annual graduation banquet ceremonies
May 18, 2012
Nearly 160 PharmD and PhD students receive degrees and start the next phase of their lives
May 16, 2012
Experiential Learning Program recruits a new associate director with preceptor development, mentoring, and continuing professional development experience
May 15, 2012
Student pharmacists staffed four local collection sites to assist DEA and local law enforcement agencies with collecting expired and unused medications
May 7, 2012
Owner of Fink’s Pharmacy recognized for his leadership, entrepreneurship, and passion for independent pharmacy.
May 1, 2012
NIH Pain Consortium charges 11 health professional institutions, including UM, with improving education in pain management and treatment.