
Biological Mass Spectrometry Expert Joins PSC Faculty

September 17, 2013

David Goodlett, PhD, former professor and director of the Mass Spectrometry Center at the University of Washington School of Pharmacy, announced as department’s Isaac E. Emerson Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

PHSR Professor Awarded University System’s Wilson H. Elkins Professorship

September 16, 2013

C. Daniel Mullins, PhD, will use award to expand his work in patient-centered outcomes and health disparities research in west Baltimore.

SOP Faculty Develop New, Promising Compound for Treatment of Chronic Pain

August 27, 2013

Initial studies indicate that compound is as powerful as morphine and also exhibits reduced tolerance with no toxic effects.

New Case Study Shows Maryland P3 Program Can Improve Employee Productivity

May 23, 2013

Employees at Chesapeake Public Schools experience decreased health care costs and improved productivity through participation in program’s diabetes management services.

SOP’s Maryland P3 Program Now Available in Pilot to Select State Employees

May 10, 2013

Pilot project for 5,000 state workers uses School’s expertise to develop, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of comprehensive medication therapy management services.

Halethorpe Community Pharmacists Inducted into Dean’s Hall of Fame

April 17, 2013

George Garmer and Sherry Butler honored for their leadership, entrepreneurship, and passion for independent pharmacy.

Rodriguez de Bittner Receives Excellence in Pharmacy Practice Award

February 6, 2013

School of Pharmacy professor is an innovative leader in community and ambulatory pharmacy.

2012-2013 UM-CERSI Awards Announced

December 7, 2012

The University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (UM-CERSI) recently awarded two Innovation Awards and two Innovations in Minority Health Awards to recognize pioneering research initiatives in regulatory science.

SOP Program Cited As National Model for Patient-Pharmacists Partnerships

December 3, 2012

A recently published program guide from the CDC highlights the efforts of the Maryland P3 Program to expand pharmacists’ role in team-based health care.

SOP CIPS Program Responds to Expanding Needs of Health Care Reform

November 12, 2012

Knowledge Enterprise, an online continuing education portal for pharmacists, is part of the School’s ‘game-changing’ Center for Innovative Pharmacy Solutions.

2012 Researcher of the Year

October 21, 2012

Alexander MacKerell Jr., the Grollman-Glick Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the School of Pharmacy, is known to thousands of scientists around the world as the man who built his research program in force field development to an elite level.

School of Pharmacy Hosts Symposium Focused on Computer-aided Drug Design

July 23, 2012

Attendees learn about CADD Center’s capabilities and hear from leaders in the field