Balassone Lecture

Use of AI in Pharmacy Focus of Annual Balassone Memorial Lecture 

December 19, 2024

The annual Balassone Memorial Lecture, held on Nov. 20, featured a panel of experts in discussion on the emerging role of generative AI in pharmacy and population health. 

Balassone Memorial Lecture Focuses on COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

November 23, 2021

Documentary showing and panel discussion with community activists are highlight of annual endowed lecture

Balassone Lecture Looks at Clinical Pharmacists’ Pandemic Experiences

February 4, 2021

Faculty members in the School of Pharmacy’s Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science share their professional experiences and lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Balassone Lecture Examines Pharmacist’s Role in Population Health Management

October 18, 2018

Dr. Meghan D. Swarthout breaks down the buzzwords surrounding population health and encourages pharmacists to think “outside the box” to address the field’s most fundamental challenges.

Balassone Lecture Spotlights Pharmacists Role in Improving Care for Underserved

November 15, 2016

Dr. Steven W. Chen discusses his efforts to improve health outcomes and advance pharmacy practice through innovative pharmacy services for underserved populations.

SOP Gets to the Heart of Pharmacogenomics During Annual Balassone Lecture

October 30, 2014

Dr. Larisa Cavallari explains how using cardiology patients’ genetic information to guide dosing for certain medications can help improve patient care.

Balassone Lecture Stresses Pharmacist’s Role in Personalized Medicine

November 8, 2013

Dr. John Valgus examines the growing impact of pharmacogenomics and use of individualized therapy during the School of Pharmacy’s annual Francis S. Balassone Memorial Lecture.

MPC Celebrates 40 years of Lifesaving Service with Balassone Lecture

November 9, 2012

School of Pharmacy’s Bruce Anderson recalls MPC’s critical role from everyday household toxic exposures to nationwide crises.