School of Pharmacy’s Rosen Named Maryland Chemist of the Year
December 12, 2010
Work on real-time imaging of brain function offers medicine an unprecedented new tool for evaluating and potentially treating brain injury.
December 12, 2010
Work on real-time imaging of brain function offers medicine an unprecedented new tool for evaluating and potentially treating brain injury.
December 9, 2010
Award winning research focuses on translational drug model to improve outcomes in patients with hepatitis C
December 7, 2010
Post-doctoral fellow Jin won national award for her “translational” research on mathematical drug dosing model.
November 29, 2010
Student-led teams are unraveling Medicare data to learn factors influencing whether patients with multiple medical conditions adhere to their medications, and are proposing methods for improvements.
November 15, 2010
School of Pharmacy professor Bruce Stuart says good medication management procedures, a key to effective care coordination, will allow pharmacists to play a major role in health care reform
November 10, 2010
Long-time SOP faculty member honored at annual Founders Gala for his dedication and commitment to teaching
November 10, 2010
Campus, elected officials, and representatives of higher learning institutions celebrate the inauguration of the University’s sixth president
November 3, 2010
Student pharmacists provide free flu shots to Prince George’s County residents on Election Day
October 25, 2010
Nation-wide effort promotes careers in pharmacy education and urges students to shape the future of tomorrow’s health care
October 14, 2010
Oldest national pharmacy fraternity honored for numerous outreach projects
October 4, 2010
$1.1 million, two-year contract will study the “switchability” of anti-epileptic drugs and address safety and effectiveness concerns
September 28, 2010
Two-year, $1 million study used unique “train the trainer” approach to improve blood pressure levels among high-risk patients