Student Chow-Down on Wings Raises Funds for Cancer Center

April 28, 2011

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity breaks last year’s records for funds raised and participation by students and local businesses at this year’s chicken wing eating contest.

Fred Abramson Receives PLS Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award

April 27, 2011

Award recognizes Abramson’s promotion of student leadership, contributions to the achievements of the School’s chapter, and leadership and mentorship through service

Pharmacy Hall Addition Earns Gold LEED Certification

April 15, 2011

“Green” building certification system gives points for meeting criteria regarding water and energy efficiency, use of sustainable materials, indoor environmental quality, and sustainable site usage.

Alumni Visit School of Pharmacy to Share Career Advice

April 15, 2011

Student chapter of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy organizes roundtable event that allows students to hear directly from alumni about career options after graduation

Faculty, Preceptors, and Partners win American Diabetes Association Award

April 13, 2011

Presentation on enhancing access to medication therapy management for high risk diabetic patients merits Promising Practices Award

APhA-ASP Focuses on New Operation Heart Initiative

April 8, 2011

Student pharmacists tackle cardiovascular disease and promote awareness and prevention

Student Researchers Showcase Their Projects

April 6, 2011

Annual student research day provides an opportunity for students and residents to highlight their work

School of Pharmacy Study: FDA Adverse Drug Reports Swelled in Past Decade

April 5, 2011

Study of the past 10 years of data revealed a need to improve data, say drug safety researchers.

Pharmacy Participates in Interprofessional Critical Care Simulation

April 4, 2011

UMB President Jay A.Perman, MD, provides keynote address at the exercise

Bioimaging Project Receives $1.8 Million from the NIH

March 31, 2011

New group of dyes could create a better picture of the status of a disease

School of Pharmacy’s Beardsley Wins National Education Award

March 25, 2011

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy recognizes educator’s broad, positive impact on the profession.

Maryland Poison Center Honored as a Health Care Hero

March 23, 2011

Daily Record recognizes the Center’s community outreach work and its efforts to save lives and save dollars.