SOP Launches New Advanced Pharmacy Technician Certificate Training Program

June 23, 2014

Program will use online content, self-study, practical experiences, and group projects to help licensed pharmacy technicians take their careers to the next level.

SOP’s Accreditation All-Star Named June’s Employee of the Month

June 20, 2014

Lisa Lebovitz, JD, recognized for her efforts to work as a team player and develop a culture of assessment within the School.

SOP Hosts Ninth Pan American Conference on Pharmaceutical Education

June 19, 2014

Conference brings together delegates from 35 countries across the Americas to share experiences and promote cooperation among pharmacy schools in the region.

US-Thai Consortium Hosts 20th Anniversary Conference at School of Pharmacy

June 12, 2014

Three-day conference offers opportunity for faculty, staff, and students from schools of pharmacy across the United States and Thailand to reflect on Consortium’s past achievements and plan future initiatives.

SOP Hosts Third International Conference on Microneedles

June 11, 2014

Event brings together researchers from academia, industry, and government to network and share the latest developments in microneedle technology and applications.

New Study First to Examine Impact of Anticoagulation Resumption After TBI

June 10, 2014

PHSR postdoctoral fellow leads interdisciplinary team that finds many patients can benefit from resuming anticoagulation therapy immediately following hospital discharge for traumatic brain injury.

PHSR Research Coordinator Named University’s Newest Employee of the Month

May 27, 2014

Michele Suit honored for exceptional leadership skills during a time of transition in the School’s Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research.

My Journey through Pharmacy School

May 16, 2014

Booker T. Washington once said, “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” If that is true, then I believe that I am one of the most successful students to graduate from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy’s Class of 2014.

School of Pharmacy Celebrates the Class of 2014 at Convocation

May 16, 2014

170 PharmD and graduate students receive degrees and embark on the next phase of their lives.

Evening Banquet Celebrates Class of 2014, Honors Pharmacy Professionals

May 15, 2014

Graduation Banquet recognizes the achievements of the Class of 2014 and bestows honored and honorary alumnus awards on two exemplary members of the pharmacy “family.”

School of Pharmacy Announces New Board of Visitors Members

May 15, 2014

As seven long-time Board of Visitors members conclude their service to the School, seven new members are welcomed by the administration.

Conference at SOP Brings Together Researchers from Biology and Chemistry

May 14, 2014

Current and future scientists from across the mid-Atlantic region gather at the School of Pharmacy for the seventh annual Frontiers at the Chemistry-Biology Interface Symposium.