Maryland Poison Center

Maryland Poison Center Celebrates its 40th Year

March 12, 2012

The Maryland Poison Center (MPC), a service of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, is celebrating its 40th anniversary.

Study Finds Less Therapeutic Errors in Toddlers after OTC Withdrawal

August 26, 2011

A study by researchers at the School’s Maryland Poison Center has won the best 2010 paper award published in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety.

Maryland Poison Center Honored as a Health Care Hero

March 23, 2011

Daily Record recognizes the Center’s community outreach work and its efforts to save lives and save dollars.

National Poison Prevention Week: Save Our Number on Your Phones

March 21, 2011

The Maryland Poison Center urges the public to program their mobile phones with the poison center’s number 1-800-222-1222 in recognition of National Poison Prevention Week, March 20-26.

School of Pharmacy Employee Receives Two Public Service Awards

September 28, 2009

Maryland Poison Center employee recognized by the University of Maryland, Baltimore and the University System of Maryland for her good deeds

Student Pharmacists Visit Annapolis for Annual Legislative Day

February 24, 2009

Event Provides Opportunity for Students to Learn Importance of Advocacy

Seasonal Poison Prevention Tips from the Maryland Poison Center

December 12, 2008

The holiday season brings multitude of poisoning opportunities for young children, toddlers and adults.