School of Pharmacy Students Visit Capitol Hill

October 21, 2008

Students from the School’s Effective Leadership and Advocacy course meet with federal legislators to put their new found skills to the test

School of Pharmacy Names New Associate and Assistant Deans

October 1, 2008

New Administrators will Focus on Curriculum, Instructional Design and Technology, and Academic Affairs

SOP Breaks Ground on Pharmacy Hall Addition

September 19, 2008

Governor Martin O’Malley Joins the School of Pharmacy Family at Ceremony to Celebrate the Start of Construction on Building Designed to Address Pharmacists Shortage and Increase Bioscience Research

PharmD Student Assumes Presidency of Campus Student Government Association

September 5, 2008

Jannet Hseih of the Class of 2009 will lead group representing students at UMB’s seven professional schools

Ilene Zuckerman Named a New Fulbright Scholar

September 4, 2008

Distinguished professor will use Fulbright grant to expand Thailand collaboration on drug use and safety for the elderly.

Herb Eases Alzheimer Symptoms by Multiple Actions

August 22, 2008

School of Pharmacy researchers study biochemical mechanisms of Ginkgo biloba

Zuckerman Named Chair of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research

August 1, 2008

Long-serving faculty member will lead department focused on improving health among diverse populations through health services and other drug-related research, education, service and community outreach

Pharmacy Residents and New Faculty Attend Teaching Excellence Day

July 29, 2008

The “one-day introduction to a career-long commitment” covers skills needed for effective presentations, teaching and information sharing

School of Pharmacy Researcher Awarded Rathmann Biotechnology Fellowship

July 22, 2008

Grant will aid search for a new class of antibiotics

Ordering Drugs Online on the Rise, Risky

July 18, 2008

Report says fast rise in Internet sales is raising risk of counterfiet drugs for consumers and pharmacies; calls for new legislation.

Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner Installed as President of MPhA

July 9, 2008

SOP Department Chair will lead professional society representating practicing pharmacists in Maryland

Drug Reviewers Back in Japan with New FDA Outlook

June 24, 2008

Researchers and officials from Japan visited the School of Pharmacy in May for its third training course for Japanese scientists on American drug development and regulatory processes.