Pharmacists’ Role in Health Care Sure to Expand with Reforms

November 15, 2010

School of Pharmacy professor Bruce Stuart says good medication management procedures, a key to effective care coordination, will allow pharmacists to play a major role in health care reform

David Roffman Recognized as UMB Teacher of the Year

November 10, 2010

Long-time SOP faculty member honored at annual Founders Gala for his dedication and commitment to teaching

Perman Inauguration Cites the Power of Collaboration

November 10, 2010

Campus, elected officials, and representatives of higher learning institutions celebrate the inauguration of the University’s sixth president

School of Pharmacy Participates in National Vote & Vax Event

November 3, 2010

Student pharmacists provide free flu shots to Prince George’s County residents on Election Day

School of Pharmacy Celebrates American Pharmacy Educator Week

October 25, 2010

Nation-wide effort promotes careers in pharmacy education and urges students to shape the future of tomorrow’s health care

Kappa Psi Receives National Award for its Dedication to Community Service

October 14, 2010

Oldest national pharmacy fraternity honored for numerous outreach projects

Contract to School of Pharmacy to Compare Generic and Brand Epilepsy Pills

October 4, 2010

$1.1 million, two-year contract will study the “switchability” of anti-epileptic drugs and address safety and effectiveness concerns

Study Shows Success in Targeting Heart Disease

September 28, 2010

Two-year, $1 million study used unique “train the trainer” approach to improve blood pressure levels among high-risk patients

APhA CEO Thomas E. Menighan to Speak to Students about Professional Pride

September 21, 2010

Session is part of student organization’s new Pathway to Professionalism program

Donald Fedder, long-time School of Pharmacy faculty member, dies

September 3, 2010

Teacher, researcher, alumnus, and mentor will be remembered for his impact on countless individuals

Researcher Receives NIDA Award to Develop Medication for Cocaine Addiction

September 2, 2010

Pharmaceutical scientist is one of the first recepients of the agency’s Avant-Garde Awards and will focus on novel approach to treating cocaine addiction

Pharmacy Students Get Words of Wisdom in Pockets of White Coats

August 29, 2010

Annual ceremony welcomes new students to the pharmacy profession