SOP Teams With College Park on FDA Drug Regulatory Science Initiative

November 3, 2011

The University of Maryland has assembled an interprofessional team of research scientists from its campuses in Baltimore and College Park for a center of excellence.

MTM Model Improves Patient Health, Instructs Students

October 26, 2011

Pharmacists’ time with patients is invaluable within the interprofessional model, says medical director.

New Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies Named

October 14, 2011

Peter Swaan, PhD, will lead growth of the School’s research enterprise and graduate education

SOP Part of $35 Million FDA Grant to Improve Drug Development Process

October 11, 2011

Research will contribute to project to make drug manufacturing safer.

Geriatrics Program to Host Premiere of Drama on Palliative Care

October 10, 2011

The drama will premiere at the School of Pharmacy on Oct. 13.

Distinguished Biochemist Stephen Benkovic Stirs the Imagination

September 26, 2011

School of Pharmacy guest lecturer promises new drug targets from his work in cell enzyme interactions.

Weiss Smith, Sharfstein: Door is Open at FDA for Drug Safety and Review

September 23, 2011

University of Maryland BioPark tenants get a primer on “Inside the FDA” and how best to work with the huge regulator.

Summer Internships Offer Opportunities for Growth

September 19, 2011

Student pharmacists make the most of summer break by pursuing internships in a variety of pharmacy settings.

Richard Penna, Former BOV Member, Dies

September 8, 2011

Retired from AACP and APHA, Penna was a true advocate for the School of Pharmacy and the profession

Class of 2015 Welcomed to the School of Pharmacy

September 7, 2011

Annual White Coat Ceremony provides traditional welcome to the pharmacy profession.

Study Finds Less Therapeutic Errors in Toddlers after OTC Withdrawal

August 26, 2011

A study by researchers at the School’s Maryland Poison Center has won the best 2010 paper award published in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety.

Classes Cancelled Today

August 23, 2011

Because of the earthquake, classes are cancelled for the remainder of Tuesday, August 23rd. Classes will resume as scheduled tomorrow, the 24th.