School of Pharmacy Hosts Symposium Focused on Computer-aided Drug Design

July 23, 2012

Attendees learn about CADD Center’s capabilities and hear from leaders in the field

Two SOP Students Head to Malawi to Study Maternal/Child Health

June 29, 2012

Student pharmacists participating in a global health project with students and faculty from all six of the University of Maryland’s professional schools.

Report from SOP Tells How to Include Hard To Reach Patients

June 27, 2012

Daniel Mullins, PhD, led an interprofessional team from pharmacy, medicine, and nursing, collaborating with community groups, to reach potential patients.

School of Pharmacy Mourns Death of Veteran Security Officer

June 19, 2012

Michael Burriss spent 17 years at UM, many of those years working with School of Pharmacy faculty, staff, and students.

Zuckerman, Colleagues Visit Cuban Health Care Facilities

June 14, 2012

Team notes how Cubans care for the frail, the elderly, and how societal and political circumstances affects people.

SOP Faculty Win Medication Adherence Educators Challenge

June 13, 2012

AACP and NCPA program recognizes innovations in teaching medication adherence

Brandt Helps Revise Beers Criteria

May 31, 2012

List of medications tells clinicians and health care professionls which medications to avoid prescribing or to use with caution in older people

Certara Names School of Pharmacy’s CTM a Center of Excellence

May 30, 2012

Collaboration Focuses on Training the Next Generation of Pharmacometric Leaders

Encouraging Interest in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the National Level

May 28, 2012

School of Pharmacy graduate students participate in science and engineering festival designed to encourage science careers for K-12 students

Pharmacy Professionals Honored with Alumni Awards

May 21, 2012

Honored and honorary alumnus awards bestowed at annual graduation banquet ceremonies

School of Pharmacy Celebrates the Class of 2012 at Convocation

May 21, 2012

Nearly 160 PharmD and PhD students receive degrees and start the next phase of their lives

School of Pharmacy Celebrates the Class of 2012 at Convocation

May 18, 2012

Nearly 160 PharmD and PhD students receive degrees and start the next phase of their lives