Kappa Psi Receives National Award for its Dedication to Community Service
Oldest national pharmacy fraternity honored for numerous outreach projects

By Christopher Charles
October 14, 2010
The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy’s Sigma Chapter of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity recently received the Professional Fraternity Association’s (PFA) Outstanding Community Service Award at the 2010 PFA Annual Conference in Lexington, KY in September.
The Outstanding Community Service Award recognizes a PFA member group that has dedicated personal and financial support for the betterment of their community. It is given annually to only one or two chapters within all of its 36 member fraternities. Kappa Psi’s outreach projects include: Step Out for Diabetes, Easter and Valentine’s Day events for the pediatric patients at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), the annual Wing-a-Thon fundraiser for the UMMC Greenebaum Cancer Center, the annual Drug Name Spelling Bee, donation drives for UNICEF’s Haiti relief efforts, pull-tab drives for the Ronald McDonald House, multiple dinners for patients at the Harry & Jeannette Weinberg Hope Lodge, health fairs with the Maryland Poison Center, and spearheading the Region III Personal Medication Record Program.
“The Sigma chapter of Kappa Psi has dedicated both personal and financial support to the betterment of the community, and we are truly humbled to received acknowledgement of our continued service to the community through the Outstanding Community Service award from the Professional Fraternity Association,” says Justine Beck, a third-year student pharmacist and chapter president. “We strive to not only make an impact on the community but to also promote the profession of pharmacy.”
PFA is an umbrella organization formed in 1978 by the merger of the Professional Interfraternity Conference for men’s groups and the Professional Panhellenic Association for women’s groups. PFA supports 36 professional fraternities and sororities in a wide range of professions in an effort to preserve high standards on campus and in professional practice.
The awards ceremony was a high-powered, yet relaxed affair with national leaders from all member fraternities in attendance. When introducing the School of Pharmacy’s Sigma Chapter as the recipient of the award, Frances Irwin, EdD, International President of Mu Phi Epsilon, described the students’ extensive community service efforts as “hyperactive.” Christopher Charles, a fourth-year student pharmacist and past president of the Sigma Chapter, accepted the award on behalf of the chapter and said in his speech, “Our older brothers taught us that concern for our community is the most important of the ‘high ideals’ of Kappa Psi, and we strive to cultivate the same in our new brothers every year. And it’s not just Kappa Psi. The culture of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy is one of self-sacrifice and service. On behalf of all our brothers and the School of Pharmacy, thank you for this award.”
The 2009-2010 academic year was highlighted by many honors for the Sigma Chapter, with both chapter-wide and individual recognition. In addition to the PFA Outstanding Community Service Award, the chapter was also recognized as the number five Kappa Psi Chapter in the nation, the organization’s first time breaking into the top 10. The chapter also obtained a number one ranking within Region III for the second consecutive year. Chapter advisor Meghan Sullivan, PharmD, an assistant professor of pharmacy practice and science, was awarded the 2010 Grand Council Deputy Certificate of Excellence, and Charles received the 2010 Kappa Psi Foundation Scholarship.